Population and Housing
The first census was implemented in Jordan in 1952. The main objective of that census was to list all buildings, dwellings and the population too without collecting any data on their characteristics (whether the buildings, dwellings or the population). That census was a quick counting process of the buildings, dwellings and population only where the total population at the time was (586.2 thousand).
The second census of population and housing units was carried out in November 1961covering both banks (parts) of the country. It has differed from the first census by using the scientific methodologies in the implementation process recommended by the United Nations at the time. Detailed data on the population such as demographic, social and economic characteristics were collected, as well as data on the buildings, dwellings and related services. The population of the East Bank was (900.8 thousand).
The third census of the population and housing units was implemented in November 1979. It has covered the East Bank of the Kingdom only because occupation of the West bank prevented the implementation of the census in the two banks… therefore population of the East Bank was (2,133 thousand).
On December 10, 1994, the fourth census was carried out and was characterized by integrating the enumeration of the housing units and population into one statistical process where data on buildings, housing units and population was collected. Total population was (4,139.5 thousand).
The fifth census was carried out in October 2004 (population was 5.1 million). The statistical capacity of the Department of Statistics (DoS) in implementing population censuses was upgraded as a result of the experience acquired by the staff. All available technological means will be used to implement the next census electronically so that Jordan becomes a pioneer in this field.
The (DoS) has conducted the sixth census in November 2015 (population was 9.5 million). Advanced technology was employed in all stages (from the demarcation stage and geographical preparation to the actual count stage). This method helped in saving time in all stages; data collection, entry, processing and dissemination. The results were published within a record period not exceeding two months.
What is the census?
The census is defined as a comprehensive statistical process to provide data on numbers and distribution of the population and housing units in Jordan in addition to the demographic, environmental, economic and living conditions.
Why to conduct a census?
It provides a clear, comprehensive and integrated picture of all residents including the non-Jordanians and the reasons for their stay. It also helps policy makers, journalists, researchers, managers and citizens to reduce the gap to ensure access to social justice.
Census coverage
The census covers people on the territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and its territorial waters, airports and border areas during the counting period. It also covers Jordanians, non-Jordanians, residents or visitors.
Role of the citizen
The citizen is the main target and focus of the census, therefore his / her cooperation with the census staff in all stages through providing correct and accurate data is the road to census success.
Role of the private sector
The private sector is a partner with the government, civil society and other development partners alike because it is benefiting from the census results on an equal footing. Thus, its investment in the census by providing financial and in-kind support constitutes a significant input that may help expand its investment area.
Role of the society
The civil society (in all its components) can find in the census an opportunity to prove its role in supporting and preserving the rights of citizens through the support (in kind and facilities) that can be provided during various stages of the census, including the promotion of voluntary work, which activates cooperation of citizens