Population and Housing 2015
The main objective of conducting the census is to produce accurate and up-to-date statistical data and information which is an important and essential tool in the process of decision – making and future plans. The General Population and Housing Census is the largest statistical operation undertaken by the state to provide accurate, recent and comprehensive data on the population and their demographic, social and economic characteristics, as well as data on the housing units, utilities, characteristics related to living conditions, in addition to providing a comprehensive and modern frame for buildings, housing units , households and establishments by administrative divisions which is used mainly for sampling in specialized studies.
This census (of 2015) is the sixth census in Jordan noting that it is implemented every 10 years in accordance with the General Statistics Law No. 12 of 2012 and the relevant international laws in this regard as well as the recommendations issued by the competent international bodies. The previous census of the population and housing was implemented in 2004.
Main Result (2.16 MB)
Disability 2021 (1.50 MB)
Gender issues (1.66 MB)
Mortality (1.92 MB)
Housing Conditions (1.44 MB)
Health Insurance (966 MB)
Final Education (1.64 MB)
Demographic features (1.87 MB)