Information technology use at homes
The Department of Statistics is conducting a survey of the use and spread of information technology in homes as an accompanying survey to the fourth round of the labor force survey. Approximately 8,280 households are allocated out of a 17,000 households from the labor force survey distributed across all governorates of the Kingdom, where households were selected according to the method of multistage stratified cluster sampling design. It should be noted that the survey sample represents the Kingdom, the governorates, the three regions, urban and rural areas, Jordanians and non-Jordanians.
This report includes the objectives of the survey, the stages of implementation, and designing and drawing the sample. The survey is conducted in several stages: the preparatory stage, which includes the designing and the geographical preparation, the stage of collecting information from the field, and then the preparation stage, which covers auditing and coding operations, the final stage is the process of extracting and disseminating the results.
The importance of the survey stems from the fact that it provides a database on the extent of the use and spread of information technology in homes, which helps stakeholders, researchers and decision-makers in making policies related to information technology to develop this sector.
The Survey Objectives
- Providing modern statistical data on the extent of use of information technology in homes.
- Identifying the characteristics of individuals who use information technology.
- Figuring out the reasons for not using information technology.
- Checking the availability of some information and communications technology devices for the households.
- Identifying the services that the individual obtained through the Internet, such as government services and purchasing products and services.
The Survey Framework
The survey sample is based on the framework provided by the results of the General Population and Housing Census for the year 2015, where the Kingdom was divided into classes, and every city with a population of more than 100 thousand people was considered a large city, where the large cities reached 6 cities. Each governorate (except for the 6 large cities) was divided into Rural and Urban, where the rest of the urban population in each governorate was considered an independent class, and the Rural was also considered an independent class, excluding from the framework the population residing in remote areas (who are mostly nomads). The total number of classes reached 30 classes.
In addition, the framework does not include group housing (people residing in hotels, hospitals, labor camps, prisoners, etc.).
Survey Sample
Sampling design
The survey sample was designed using the stratified cluster sampling method, and it represents the Kingdom, urban and rural areas, regions and governorates. The total sample size was 820 primary sampling units (clusters). These units were distributed among the governorates, urban and rural areas, and the sample was selected in two stages: In the first stage, a sample of primary sampling units was drawn, using a sampling of proportional to size method which is drawn regularly, where the number of households in each primary sampling unit (cluster) was considered its weight or size.
In the second stage, the blocks of primary sampling units (clusters) that were selected in the first stage were updated, and then a fixed number of households were selected using a systematic random sampling method as final sampling units, amounting to 10 households from each primary sampling unit (cluster).
Percentage of individuals who own:
- A smart phone for individuals aged 5 years and over.
- A mobile phone for individuals aged 5 years and over.
- A regular/smart mobile phone for individuals aged 5 years and over.
Percentage of individuals who use:
- A desktop computer for individuals aged 5 years and over.
- A laptop computer for individuals aged 5 years and over.
- A tablet for individuals aged 5 years and over.
- Internet for individuals aged 5 years and over.
Percentage of households who have:
- Landline Phone
- A smart mobile phone
- A regular/smart mobile phone
- Internet service
- Annual analytical report
Information technology use at homes Survey 2022 Questionnaire (143 KB)