Employment in Establishment

Employment in Establishment

The Employment Division is one of the divisions of the Directorate of Economic Surveys. It oversees the implementation of statistical surveys related to the characteristics and remunerations of employees.

The Division provides latest data on the number of establishments in the private as well as the public. It also provides data on number of workers, their characteristics, detailed data on salaries, levels, cash wages paid to professions, groups and their remunerations in addition to data on the employment volume in the private and public sectors in order to serve all interested parties in this sector such as; planners, researchers and policy makers.

The Employment and Employees’ Compensations Survey carried out by the Employment Division is an important survey for the national economy and the Jordanian society. The importance of this survey is highlighted by the collected data on the establishments, number of workers in the public and private sectors and their characteristics such as the educational qualifications, salaries and wages.

Due to this importance, the Division conducts an annual survey of all establishments operating in the public sector (excluding the military and security establishments) and all economic establishments operating in the private sector (excluding the agricultural sector), regardless of the number of employees. The Survey covers the small enterprises that employ four persons or less, due to the importance of providing data on the employees of these establishments.

The Employment and Employees’ Compensations Survey implemented annually by the Department of Statistics (DoS) is an important survey for the national economy and the Jordanian society. The importance of the survey is highlighted by the data set it provides about the establishments, numbers of employees in the public and private sectors and their characteristics such as educational qualifications, salaries and wages. Due to the fact that some of the employees do not continue to work throughout the year, data are collected from the establishments for the October of each year, which is considered an internationally recognized reference time.

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1.1: Survey Comprehensiveness

The survey includes all establishments operating in the public sector (excluding military and security establishments) and all economic establishments operating in the private sector (excluding the agricultural sector ), regardless of the number of employees. The Department of Statistics (DoS) began in 1999 to include small establishments (employing four persons or less) in the survey due to the importance of providing data on the workers in these establishments.

1.2: Sample Design

The Employment and Employees’ Compensations Survey – 2015 (total size: 7818 establishments) was designed to include:

  1. All the public sector establishments totaling 286, except the security and military establishments (comprehensive surveying).
  2. All private sector establishments employing 50 persons or more (comprehensive surveying).
  3. A sample from the rest of the establishments has been withdrawn.

2. Preparatory Stage

2.1: Main Documents of the Survey

These documents include the survey questionnaire, the instruction manual for field workers, the desk and electronic edit rules and the general and specialized coding manuals. Find below summary of the main documents:

2.1.1: The Survey Questionnaire

At the beginning of the year, a comprehensive review of the survey questionnaire was carried out to ensure inclusion of all data and information that realize the survey objectives. The questionnaire includes the following subject:

  1. The identification and general data of the establishments.
  2. The number of employees and their characteristics.
  3. Compensation of employees.

2.1.2: Instruction Manual and Edit Rules

This booklet contains the definitions, concepts-in – use and detailed instructions for field staff at all levels (supervisory and executive). It also contains detailed explanation of all questionnaire questions and how to obtain all the data with highest possible accuracy. It also contained the basic edit rules that must be followed by the enumerators and the edit staff while checking the questionnaires, and the duties of the survey staff (supervisors, observers, researchers and edit staff) as well as the electronic edit rules necessary to process data.

2.1.3: Coding Manuals

Predefined codes were assigned to all items of the questionnaire. The International Standard Industrial Classification Index (ISIC4) was used in the economic coding activity and the adopted Jordanian International Standard Classification of Education (JISCED) and developed on the basis of the UNESCO’s (ISCED) guide for coding the box on academic qualification and specialization. The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) has been adopted for professions’ coding.

2.2: Definitions and Classifications

Statistical Unit: The economic entity is considered as the statistical unit in this survey and should have accounting independence. It may have one or more economic activity (one is the major activity and the rest secondary activities) whose data shall be included in the same questionnaire.

Main Activity: It is the main economic activity of the establishment for producing goods or services. It is determined by the establishment itself on the basis of value added, value of revenue or volume of production. It should be recorded in detail according to (ISIC4).

Month of Reference: It is the month for which data are collected for all establishments (usually October for the survey year).

Working Hours: The calculation of working hours has been adjusted on the basis of usual working hours excluding the weekend holidays as of the 2009 survey.

Compensation of Employees: It includes the total salaries, wages in cash and in kind and producers’ contribution to the social security premiums in addition to other monetary and in-kind benefits owed to employees.

Ownership of the Establishment: This term is used to distinguish between public and private sector enterprises. All government enterprises and economic establishments where the government owns 51% or more of their capital or if the government has the right to intervene in the formulation of their public policies are considered to be Public Sector. But, in the case of economic establishments that the government owns less than 50% of their capital and does not interfere in their policy-making are considered as Private Sector enterprises.

Salaries and Cash Wages: They represent the amounts paid by the employer in cash directly and regularly to the worker or the employee for his work in the establishment against the normal working hours. These payments include the following:

  • Basic salary or wage.
  • Family allowance and cost of living allowance.
  • Academic certificate and educational level allowance.
  • Any allowances relating to the profession such as difficult professions, engineers, doctors … etc.

Grants, bonuses and regular and non-regular cash allowances: The total amount of cash paid by the employer to the worker or employee in the form of grants, bonuses and allowances. These are considered to be regular if paid most of the months of the year, otherwise these are called irregular. They include the following:

  • Payments for overtime or work on vacations and public holidays.
  • Shifts or night work allowance provided that they are calculated as part of overtime.
  • Benefits and bonuses related to production such as production or commission rate.
  • Monthly stipends and bonuses paid directly with the salary such as the Housing Allowance.
  • Any other allowances.

2.3: Organization of the Survey Staff

The survey administration consists of the administration team which is entrusted with all supervisory, administrative and technical tasks, in addition to the office staff (edit and coding teams). The field staff consists of controllers, editors and enumerators. This team works under supervision of the field supervisor.

2.4: Selection and Training of Enumerators

The survey staff was selected according to criteria related to the nature of the work such as quality of the employees in terms of educational level and specialization. A training program was held for all staff to provide an explanation of the objectives of the survey, the method of data collection and how to deal with the establishments. It also provided a detailed explanation of all questionnaire items. At the end of the training, the staff had undergone a written test to determine their comprehension levels of the concepts and instructions of the questionnaire.

3 – Data Collection Stage

3.1: Management of Field Work

The fieldwork was carried out by teams consisting of two or three selected enumerators as well as office controller and editor.

3.2: Method of Data Collection

The field data collection phase began in April 2016, using the personal interview method. In case data is not available, the questionnaire is left in the enterprise so that the person concerned can prepare the necessary data.

3.3: Field Editing

The field editing was assigned to the field controller, who checked a sample of the questionnaires for each of his enumerators’ team. He directs them to their mistakes (if any) to avoid repetition.

4.Data Processing Stage

4.1: Office Processing

After delivering the completed questionnaires to the Employment Division, they were fully checked by the office staff in the Division. Errors (if any) have been processed either by direct contact with the person in the enterprise or returned to the field supervisor to rectify the error. This was followed by coding the checked questionnaires in preparation for data entry.

4.2: Electronic processing

After checking and coding of the questionnaires, they were sent to the IT Directorate for data entry using a program specially-prepared for this purpose. After that, the entered data was revised and checked for errors. The programmer then produces a list containing the preliminary results using the pre-set rounding coefficient in order to check and verify the results.

4.3: Data Tabulation and Dissemination

After checking the data and ascertaining its correctness in terms of form and consistency within the same table and with the other tables, then extract the final tables contained in this report. These data are loaded on the (DoS) web page.

  • Bulletins, Publications and Analytical Reports

The results of the The Employment and Employees’ Compensations Survey are issued annually (soft and hard copies).

  1. Data on the number of establishments operating in the public and private sectors by economic activity.
  2. Data on the numbers and characteristics of workers by sex, nationality, educational level and specialization.
  3. Detailed data on the levels of salaries and cash paid to groups of professions, as well as regular and irregular cash bonuses and grants for various professions.
  4. Data on compensation of employees by major occupational groups.
  5. Data on the average number of normal working hours per month (excluding weekends) worked by the employees by major occupational groups in the public and private sectors.

The Survey results are usually published at the beginning of May of each year.

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