1.1 Physical Conditons

1.1.1. climate
1.1.2. Hydrogeographical characteristics
1.1.3 Geological and geographical characteristics

1.2 Land cover, ecosystems and biodiversity

1.2.1 Land cover
1.2.2 Ecosystems and biodiversity
1.2.3 Forest

1.3 Environmental Quality

1.3.1 Air Quality
1.3.2 Fresh Water Quality
1.3.3 Marine Water Quality

2.1 Mineral resources

2.1.1. Stock and Changes of Mineral Resources
2.1.2. Production and Trade of Minerals

2.2 Energy Resource

2.2.1. Stocks and Changes of Energy Resources
2.2.2. Production, Trade and Consumption of Energy

2.5 Biological resources

2.5.1 Timber Resources
2.5.2 Aquatic Resources
2.5.3 Crops
2.5.4 Livestock

2.6 Water Resources

2.6.1. Water Resources
2.6.2. Abstraction Use and Returns of Water

3.1.Emissions to Air

3.1.1. Emissions of Green House Gases

3.2 Generation and Management of Wastewater

3.2.1. Generation and Pollutant Content of Wastewater
3.2.2. Collection and treatment of Wastewater

3.3.Generation of Waste

3.3.1. Generation of Waste
3.3.2. Management of Waste

3.4 Release of Chemical Substances

3.4.1. Release of Chemical Substances

4.1 Natural Extreme Events and Disaster
4.1.2. Impact of natural Extreme Events and Disasters
4.2 Technological Disasters
4.2.2. Impact of tecnological disasters

5.1 Human Settlement
5.1.1. Urban and Rural Population
5.1.2. Access to Selected Basic Services
5.1.5. Environmental concerns specific to urban settlements

5.2 Environmental Health
5.2.1. Airborne diseases and conditions
5.2.2. Water-related diseases and conditions

6.1. Environmental Protection and Resource Management Expenditure

6.1.1. Government environmental protection and resource management expenditure
