Economic Establishments Census 2018

Economic Establishments Census 2018

The general census of economic establishments is defined as the overall process of collecting, processing, disaggregating, analyzing and disseminating comprehensive digital data on the various tariff and economic data of all establishments in various sectors of the national economy, without deleting or repeating during the counting period. The counting operations include collecting data on different economic establishments in all regions of the Kingdom and covering all economic activities by establishments, their compilation and dissemination according to the different variables around which data was collected.

The census of economic establishments is to achieve many objectives as provide detailed disaggregation of economic establishments in terms of their geographical distribution, categories of employment, economic organization, size of capital, category of income, legal entity and others, and give a clear picture of the economic activity that the establishment is engaged in and identify the elements of this activity.
It also aims to provide data on the size of establishments in each economic activity. And provide updated economic statistical frameworks for the implementation of various economic surveys and studies over the coming years. And aims to meeting the needs of the public and private sectors, researchers, planners and policy makers from economic data.

The General Statistics Law No. 12 of 2012 is the legal basis for conducting the census. The Act stipulates that a general census shall be conducted every ten years at the latest by the date decided by the Council of Ministers on the basis of the Minister’s placement in the fields of housing, population, agriculture, industry, establishments and any other area decided by the Council of Ministers on the basis of a recommendation made by the Minister, pursuant to the Decree No. 31284/1/11/32 in 10/7/2017 that includes the approval of conducting the general census of economic establishments 2018, accordingly, The Department of Statistics had conducted the census of economic establishments.

The general census of economic establishments is defined as the overall process of collecting, processing, disaggregating, analyzing and disseminating comprehensive digital data on the various tariff and economic data of all establishments in various sectors of the national economy, without deleting or repeating during the counting period. The counting operations include collecting data on different economic establishments in all regions of the Kingdom and covering all economic activities by establishments, their compilation and dissemination according to the different variables around which data was collected.

Methodology of Economic Establishment Census 2018(503.61 KB)

  1. Total number of establishments by the administrative divisions of the Kingdom.
  2. Number of active economic establishments by organization and state.
  3. Number of active economic establishments by main economic activity and by main economic sectors.
  4. Number of active economic establishments by legal status.
  5. Number of active economic establishments by registered and paid capital.
  6. Number of active economic establishments by date of establishment and date of production.
  7. Number of active economic establishments by categories of employees.
  8. Number of economic establishments by annual revenues categories.
  9. Number of active economic establishments by regular register of  accounting.
  10. Number of active economic establishments by sex.
  11. Number of active economic establishments by nationality.
  12. Number of paid and unpaid employees in economic establishments.

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