Agricultural census
The agricultural census is a large scale statistical operation undertaken by the government to collect quantitative information on the structure of the agricultural sector using the agricultural holding as a counting unit. The census process covers all regions of the Kingdom during a full agricultural year.
The census covers all agricultural holdings that meet the conditions of an agricultural holding (whether crops holdings, animal holdings or both).
The importance of the agricultural census emanates from the fact that it provides comprehensive data on the characteristics of the agricultural sector by administrative divisions at various levels which provides a modern and integrated framework for the design and withdrawal of samples of various agricultural surveys for the years that follow the census.
The following objectives distinguish the agricultural census from other statistical processes:
- Provide a modern and comprehensive framework that serves as a basis for the annual and quarterly agricultural statistical surveys related to agricultural area, production and inputs, livestock numbers, capital formation in the agricultural sector, agricultural prices, fisheries and bees.
- Provide comprehensive and detailed data on various aspects of the agricultural sector that serve planners whether those involved in the general planning of the economic and social development or those involved in the formulation of agricultural policies as well as data users in the private sector.
- To fill the gaps and cover the deficiencies in some types of agricultural data to meet the needs of users in various fields.
- Provide statistical data at the level of small administrative units
Methodology 2017 (0.68 MB)
The Agriculture Census Questionnaire 2017
Questionnair 2017 (0.98 MB)
Data Bank
Tables :
General results of The Agricultural Census 2017
General results of The Agricultural Census 2007Geographical maps :
The Main Indicators of the Agricultural Census 2017
The Main indicators of livestock for the census 2017 by governorates
The Main indicators of livestock for the census 2017 by district
The Main indicators of plant wealth for the census 2017 by district