International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

Today, the 8th March, is an exceptional occasion for woman as the world celebrates International Women’s Day in appreciation and dedication for their efforts in success and creativity for all social, educational, political and economic fields.  And based on the importance of this day for all societies in general and the Jordanian society in particular, which considers the participation of Jordanian women in the development process, strengthening their role and empowering them as a condition of justice and equality in society that must be implemented in order to build a productive, just, advanced society and keep pace with the developments of sustainable development. In view of DoS’s  role in providing accurate information to users of data and seeking to develop its statistical data, DoS has updated and developed an interactive database of Jordanian women’s statistics with a view to monitoring the performance of Jordanian women and assessing the achievements and progress made towards achieving Jordan’s commitments in the area of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, as well as contributing to the identification of challenges, obstacles and priorities facing Jordanian women, and to providing updated data on indicators related to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

In response to the Sustainable Development Agenda and Plan of Action, which provides for all indicators measuring progress towards Sustainable Development Goals 2030, the Department of Statistics has worked to provide an interactive database that highlights the main economic, social and educational characteristics of Jordanian females aged 15 and over. As a step towards development, Dos has disseminated disaggregated data on Jordanian females who head their household for the first time, as the provision of data for this category of women in Jordanian society being one of the most important challenges in assessing and analyzing the reality of women in Jordan and highlighting their role in comprehensive development. This database also aims to assist decision makers and development policy makers by providing integrated, comprehensive and up-to-date indicators on the situation of Jordanian women through a set of indicators that have been adapted to provide comparisons of a data series of more than 20 years starting from 2000, disaggregated across all governorates of the Kingdom, in order to document changes in the situation of Jordanian women.

It should be noted that the interactive database of Jordanian women’s statistics provides a large number of digital indicators that reflect the situation of Jordanian women aged 15 and over in Arabic and English, by presenting them in seven main groups, including the demographics of female workers, unemployed and economically inactive, as well as illiteracy, unemployment and economic activity. Each set contains a number of tables describing the demographic, social and economic characteristics of Jordanian women. The interactive database is based on the Employment and Unemployment Survey, which is implemented annually by DoS and updated annually in conjunction with the dissemination of the main report of the Employment and Unemployment Survey.

The database allows users of data to compose tables for Jordanian females according to various characteristics in an active interactive manner and to move away from the use of paper data, and can be saved in various formats (Excel, PX-file, CSV-file…), and represented graphically.