2.6% GDP growth rate at constant prices in the fourth quarter of 2021

2.6% GDP growth rate at constant prices in the fourth quarter of 2021

The Department of Statistics issued the results of the preliminary quarterly estimates of the GDP at fixed prices for the fourth quarter of 2021. The results show that growth reached 2.6% during the fourth quarter of 2021 compared with the same quarter of 2020 and growth reached 2.2% in 2021 compared with 2020.

At the level of economic sectors, preliminary estimations of most sectors have shown a growth during the fourth quarter of 2021 compared with the fourth quarter of 2020. The results indicated that the Constructions Sector has achieved the highest growth rate by 6.1% followed by Quarrying sector by 5.6% ,then  Transport, Storage & Communications Sector by 3.9% and finally the Wholesale, Retail Trade, Restaurants & Hotels Sector by 3.5%.

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