The Department of Statistics (DoS) conducts the Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES)
The (DoS) field teams will begin in Tuesday (1st August 2017) to implement the 11th (HIES 2017/2018) that lasts for one year.
H.E. Dr. Qassem Saeed Al-Zoubi (Director General of the DoS) said that this Survey aims to provide recent detailed data that reflect the reality of the household and individual in terms of expenditure and income, the relation between income and expenditure with various variables and the relation between different economic and social factors with the income such as; (profession and educational level of the household head).
The main objectives of the survey (which is carried out on a sample of about 20 thousand households distributed all over the governorates)include providing data for calculating poverty indicators, identifying the characteristics of the poor and preparation of poverty maps at the Kingdom level and linking them to various demographic, social and economic variables.
Dr. Zoubi added that about 180 interviewers from the (DoS) were trained for four weeks on the statistical methods, completing the questionnaire, stages of implementation and a detailed explanation of the input and output of the questionnaire.
The Director General also called upon the citizens to cooperate with the field teams by giving correct and accurate information to contribute to the success of this important survey. He said that the survey will be carried out by the (DoS) staff that can be identified by their (ID) cards.