2.95% is the average decrease of the Industrial Producer’s prices during January 2021

2.95% is the average decrease of the Industrial Producer’s prices during January 2021

The monthly report issued by the Department of Statistics indicates a decrease in the Industrial price index for January 2021 to reach 115.08 against 118.58 for the same month of 2020 recorded a decrease by 2.95%..This mainly was a result of a decrease in the price Index of the Manufacturing Industries by 3.18 percentage points with a relative importance of 86.0% and Electricity by 0.26 percentage points with a relative importance of 5.8%. Meanwhile, there was an increase in the price Index of Quarrying Production by 0.49 percentage points with a relative importance of 8.2%.

The report also indicates an increase in the industrial producer’s price Index for January 2021 to reach 115.08 against 111.64 in December 2020, with an increase by 3.08%. This has resulted mainly from the increase of the price Index of the Manufacturing Industries by 3.20 percentage points with a relative importance of 86.0% and Quarrying Production by 0.21 percentage points with a relative importance of 8.2%. Meanwhile, there was a decrease in the price Index of Electricity by 0.33 percentage points with a relative importance of 5.8%.

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