Tables of Employment in Establishment
Year 2000 and Later Time Series
Employment For 1992 - 1998 Time Series
- Enterprises by Economic Activity and Size Group of Employment
- Paid and Unpaid Employees by Economic Activity and Size Group of Employment
- Employees by Governorate, Nationality and Sex
- Employees by Economic Activity, Nationality and Sex
- No. of Paid Employees by Nationality, Sex and Educational Qualification (Secondary or Less by Specialization)
- No. of Paid Employees by Nationality, Sex and Educational Qualification (Intermediate Diploma or Higher)
- No. of Paid Employees, Total Cash Paid and Average Monthly Wages Per Employee in the Reference Month by Major Occupation Group and Sex
- No. of Enterprises, No. of Paid Employees (Secondary or Less), Total Cash Paid and Average Monthly Wages Per Employee by Economic Activity and Sex
- No. of Enterprises, No. of Paid Employees (Intermediate Diploma or Higher), Total Cash Paid and Average Monthly Wages Per Employee by Economic Activity and Sex
- Graduate Employees by Educational Specialization, Sex and Economic Activity
- Employees and their Compensation by Economic Activity in the Reference Month
- Employees and their Compensation by Economic Activity During the Year of Survey