1% the Average increase in Agricultural Producers’ Prices during August 2017
The Data issued by the Department of Statistics indicates an increase in the Average Agricultural Producers’ Price Index for Aug 2017 by 1.0% compared with Aug 2016. (The Price Index reached 101.0 in Aug 2017 compared with 100.0 in Aug 2016).The most significant crops that contributed to this increase were grapes 26.2%, sweet green pepper 103.8%, cabbage 158.3%, cucumber 10.7%, watermelon 53.2%, apple 18.2%, prickly pear 84.5%, figs 43.9%, colored sweet pepper 60.8% and hot pepper 59.2%.( the total of their relative importance constituted 54.0% of the total indicator value).
Meanwhile, there was a decrease in the price index of maize, cauliflower, lettuce, red lettuce, Chinese lettuce, spinach, Jews mallow, cut Jews mallow leaves, coriander and parsley by 37.5%, 20.5%, 32.2%, 21.1%, 17.7%, 17.5%, 31.9%, 28.8%, 36.0% and 22.9% respectively (the total of their relative importance constituted 46.0% of the total indicator value).
The report also shows that the Price Index has increased by 16.5% in Aug 2017 as compared with July 2017 (the price index reached 101.0 in Aug 2017 compared with 86.7 in July 2017). The most significant crops that contributed to this increase (the total of their relative importance constituted 85.0%) were tomato 159.8%, potato 24.2%, green sweet pepper 109.2%, cauliflower 43.7%, peach 16.3%, cabbage 161.8%, cucumber 13.4%, squash 29.4%, eggplants 38.5% and cantaloupe 63.5%. Meanwhile, there was a decrease in the price index of dates products, guava, pomegranate, Jews mallow, wheat, carrot, cut Jews mallow leaves, prickly pear , mango and barley by 51.5%, 20.3%, 32.6%, 23.7%, 7.4%, 30.4%, 6.4%, 7.7%, 43.0% and 2.4% respectively with a relative importance of 15.0%.
On the accumulative level, the Price Index of Agricultural Producers has increased by 13.7% for the first eight months of 2017 as compared with the same period of 2016 (the accumulative price index reached 113.7 for 2017 compared with 100.0 for the same period of 2016). The most significant crops whose Price Index Average contributed to this increase were tomatoes by 74.3%, sweet green pepper 39.7%, hot pepper 38.8%, eggplants 21.0%, string beans 21.0%, colored sweet pepper 20.6%, squash 18.3%, cauliflowers 10.0%, potato 9.5% and cucumber 3.5% whose relative importance constituted 95.1%. Meanwhile, there was a decrease in the price index of banana by 2.0% with a relative importance of 4.9%.