Workshop on integrating gender into DOS’s institutional performance development

Workshop on integrating gender into DOS’s institutional performance development

Dead Sea, Jordan. Within the framework of the current partnership and cooperation between the Department of Statistics (DOS) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), the Director General of DOS, Dr. Shaher Al-Shawabkeh, launched a series of workshops on the integration of gender into the Department’s institutional performance development.

During his opening remarks, Dr. Shawabkeh emphasized DOS’s commitment to continue developing its institutional framework, defining roles and responsibilities, to ensure the effective implementation of national priorities to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment set by the Government of Jordan. To achieve such goals, the successful implementation of the gender mainstreaming requires the participation of various stakeholders across all levels, while ensuring an effective monitoring and evaluation of these efforts to measure impact achieved.

He also noted the importance of organizing training opportunities in this field. In particular, this initiative is considered a significant milestone in DOS’s efforts to continue building capacities at the national level on institutional performance development.

The workshop was attended by 19 participants from DOS and UN Women and covered topics related to Goal 5 on gender equality and women’s empowerment, one of the key priorities of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which aims to empower women and girls in all fields, especially in terms of promoting their economic, education, and political participation.

Jordan is one of the 12 pathfinder countries selected under UN Women’s global flagship initiative ‘Women Count’, which aims to improve the production and use of gender statistics to monitor the implementation of commitments related to gender equality within the framework of the 2030 Agenda. Under this umbrella, UN Women and DOS work to improve the development of gender indicators at the national level to promote production, analysis and dissemination.

In particular, DOS seeks to promote, develop and improve the provision of gender statistics, which is considered a catalytic tool to advance women’s empowerment, while monitoring progress towards achieving national commitments and advance the implementation of international conventions and recommendations.

“Strengthening the capacities of national statistical is critical to support the monitoring and implementation of SDGs through production and use of gender statistics. UN Women is proud to collaborate with DoS to support institutional capacity development for increased availability of data on gender equality to inform policy and decision-making”, said Ms. Aisha Mukhtar, Deputy Representative at UN Women Jordan.”

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Marta Garbarino

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