The Jordanian Statistical Training Center (JSTC) holds a training course titled “Withdrawal of Samples”
Mr. Ahmed Kbailat (JSTC director), represented H.E. the Director General of the Department of Statistics (DoS) Dr. Qassem Saeed Al-Zu’bi, in inaugurating the above training course at JSTC headquarters in the (DoS) which lasts for (3) days with the participation of (16) employees from various (DoS) directorates. Ms. Ghaida Al-Khasawneh (Statistical Trainer) will conduct the lectures within the framework of staff capacity building in sampling.
In his welcome speech, Mr. Kbailat asserted the importance of such courses to the employees since they contribute to the development of statistical work.
It is noteworthy to mention here that (JSTC) holds regularly a number of specialized statistical courses which contribute to improving the data quality and enhance staff capabilities in various statistical fields.