Seal of Excellence

Seal of Excellence for the King Abdullah II Award for 2016-2017

Over the past four years, the Department of Statistics has embarked on a process of development and modernization.

Starting from the implementation of the General Population and Housing Census in 2015 electronically in all its stages and the consequent electronic transformation in the implementation of censuses and surveys electronically in all stages with the circle of the Department, making it a success story to be followed in the region, region and world.

Through the modernization and development of the infrastructure and various facilities and provide a comfortable environment suitable for the recipients of the service and to the stages of creativity in the launch of community initiatives distinguished The Department appeared national dress embroidered with golden threads embodying the royal high directions standing on the ground to paper.

The department started its journey from a basic base which was based on raising the efficiency of the employee and paving the way through the internal and external courses, with a focus on raising the job satisfaction ratio and opening the door to innovation in order to encourage participation in achieving achievements.

At the same time, we have placed in our eyes the service of citizens and that the satisfaction of the recipients of the service is the objective of the department and all of its cadres welcomed by the spaciousness of its premises and sometimes reach a mechanism in the place of the establishment wherever he was within this country.

And spend days to begin to taste the sweetness of the fruits that lay on the tree, between the media, audio and visual media for the achievements of the Department and its various activities with the accompanying provision of time, effort and money continue the march and culminate efforts on Wednesday, 5/9/2018 in a ceremony, His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, where he announced the awarding of the Department of Statistics to the Excellence Award for its outstanding achievement and the appointment of the Director General as second place in the Best Secretary General / Director General in the Kingdom.

This honor will be a badge of honor on the issuance of the Department and all its employees and to motivate them to assume the responsibilities and to make more efforts to maintain what has been achieved and raise the circle to the highest rank always and always at the good thought of the lord of the country and the people of Jordan and its employees. Achievement is achieved but the eye aspires to further achievement.