Household Expenditures & Income Survey 2010

The Department of Statistics (DoS) takes the pleasure in publishing this report containing the results of the Household Expenditures and Income Survey 2010, conducted during the period 0/4/2010 – 31/3/2011. The survey covered a sample of 13866 households distributed all over the governorates of the Kingdom in a way that ensures representatives of data at sub-district level. The sample design was based on the households’ frame provided by the 0224 General Population and Housing Census.


The Department of Statistics (DoS) takes the pleasure in publishing this report containing the results of the Household Expenditures and Income Survey 2010, conducted during the period 0/4/2010 – 31/3/2011. The survey covered a sample of 13866 households distributed all over the governorates of the Kingdom in a way that ensures representatives of data at sub-district level. The sample design was based on the households’ frame provided by the 0224 General Population and Housing Census.

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