Kingdom |
Gross Output by Kind of Economic Activity at Current Basic Prices |
Intermediate Consumption by Kind of Economic Activity at Current Prices |
Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity at Current Basic Prices |
Annual Growth Rates of Gross Output at Current Basic Prices by Kind of Economic Activity |
Annual Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Product at Current Basic Prices by Kind of Economic Activity |
Sectorial Contribution to Gross Domestic Product at Current Market Prices |
Gross Output by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant Basic Prices |
Intermediate Consumption by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant Prices |
Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity at Constant Basic Prices |
Annual Growth Rates of Gross Output at Constant Basic Prices by Kind of Economic Activity |
Annual Growth Rates of Gross Domestic Product at Constant Basic Prices |
Sectorial Contribution to Gross Domestic Product at Constant Market Prices |
Implicit Deflator for Gross Output by Kind of Economic Activity |
Implicit Deflator for Intermediate Consumption by Kind of Economic Activity |
Implicit Deflator for Gross Domestic Product by Kind of Economic Activity |