Energy at Homes 2008
- Table 1: Number of Housing Units by Type of Housing Unit and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 2: Number of Housing Units by Area for the Housing Unit (m ) and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 3: Number of Housing Units by Construction Years and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 4: Number of Housing Units by Main Building Material of the Outer Walls and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 5: Number of Apartments by Location of Apartment and Region (Urban/Rural)
- Table 6: Number of Housing Units by Isolation of Walls and Region (Urban/Rural)
- Table 7: Number of Housing Units by Electricity Supply and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 8: Number of Housing Units by Kind of Lighting and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 9: Number of Housing Units Using Heating Devices by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 10: Number of Housing Units by Kind of Heating and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 11: Number of Housing Units Using Central Heating System by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 12: Number of Housing Units by the Daily Operation Hours of Central Heating System and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 13: Number of Housing Units by Operation Hours of the Electrical Heating and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 14: Number of Housing Units Using of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sets by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 15: Number of Housing Units by Operation Hours of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 16: Number of Housing Units by Use of Diesel, Kerosene and Gas and by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 17: Number of Housing Units Using Energy Conservation Measures by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 18: Number of Housing Units by No. of Collectors of Solar Heater and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 19: Number of Housing Units by Type of Using the Solar Heater and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 1: Number of Housholds by Size of the Houshold in the Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 2: Number of Households by Monthly Income (JD) and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 3: Number of Households by Average Monthly Income Per Person and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 4: Number of Households by Monthly Value of Electricity Consumption (JD) in (Summer & Winter) and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 5: Number of Households by Daily Hours of Lighting in (Summer & Winter) and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 7: Number of Households by Use of Energy Conservation Measures and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 8: Number of Housing Units by Use of Solar Heater and Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 1: Quantities of Monthly and Seasonal Consumption of Diesel, Gas and Kerosene (Summer & Winter) by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 2: Ratio of Expenditure from Total Income on Energy by Governorate (Urban/Rural).
- Table 3: Square Meter Share of Energy Consumption (JD/m ) by Governorate (Urban/Rural).
- Table 4: Average Operating Hours (Monthly & Seasonal) of Used Sets in the Housing Unit in Summer by Region (Urban/Rural).
- Table 5: Avarage Operating Hours (Monthly & Seasonal) of Used Sets in the Housing Unit in Winter by Region (Urban/Rural).